Presentation to the 5th Americas Deposit Insurance Forum on The Role of the JDIC as Deposit Insurer in Early Detection and Timely Intervention within the Financial System Safety Net Framework by Eloise Williams Dunkley, Director, Intervention, Resolution and International Relations, Jamaica Deposit Insurance Corporation - June 8, 2021.

The Role of the JDIC as DI in Early Detection and Timely Intervention within the FSN Framework

Presentation at a two-day conference, hosted by the Development Bank of Jamaica and the Bank of Jamaica under the theme ‘A Call to Action: Driving Financial Inclusion with Digital Payments’. The conference focused on the benefits of Jamaicans participating in the digital economy and supports the Government’s thrust towards making Jamaica a digital economy. It is also part of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy, launched in March 2017 which aims to create the enabling environment for Jamaicans to save, invest, and to do business and obtain financial information to empower themselves and contribute to economic growth and development.

The CEO’s presentation included the following areas: The Deposit Insurance Scheme, consumer protection and digital financial inclusion; general approaches to providing deposit insurance for digital stored-value products; how deposit insurance protects users of digital payment services in Jamaica; and initiatives by the JDIC to promote financial inclusion and consumer protection in a digital economy.

“Deposit Insurance – Promoting Consumer Awareness & Financial Inclusion in a Digital Economy” – Antoinette McKain, CEO, JDIC

JDIC’s CEO, Antoinette McKain, addresses participants at the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) 18th Annual General Meeting and Conference held during 7 – 11 October 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey; hosted by the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund of Turkey (SDIF). The Conference, titled “Realizing Reforms: What has Changed in Deposit Insurance
Systems since the Crisis?”, featured presentations and panel discussions by top policymakers, deposit insurers, and prominent academics on key issues affecting the global economy, financial stability, deposit insurance, and bank resolution. Ms. McKain was among the presenters, who shared experiences on “What has changed since the Crisis: Cross Border Issues in Deposit Insurance – the Caribbean Perspective”. In her presentation, Ms. McKain highlighted the key role deposit insurers play in protecting depositors, crisis management and resolution regimes, and the importance of relevant and comprehensive laws.

Framework for Effective Cross Border Bank Resolution and Deposit Insurance Issues – Caribbean Region

The presentation outlined:

  • Definition of Financial System Crisis
  • Causes of Financial System Crises
  • Selected Crises
  • Wall Street Stock Market Crash 1929
  • The Mexican Financial Crisis 1994-1995
  • Jamaican Financial Crisis of 1996
The Causes Of Financial Crises What We Know and What We Can Do About It - Antoinette McKain